Prices and booking



Experience pool

The experience pool is 8x8 m and 140 cm deep. The built in water jets slightly massage the body, stimulate blood circulation. The water temperature is usually 29 °C.

Hot tub

At the pool area a hot tub is also available, which offers a pleasant refreshing experience. The water temperature is 32 degrees Celsius. Next to the pools comfortable sun beds and chairs provide perfect possibility to rest and relax.

Aroma cabin

In the aroma cabin you can relax with various herbal volatile oils and the heated seats make the relaxation more pleasant. Fragrances: eucalyptus, lemon grass and orange.

Salt cabin

In the salt cabin the evaporating salt produces an external effect: it softens the skin, on the one hand; and through inhaling it lessens inflammations, on the other. The special microclimate is very good for curing chronic respiratory organ disorders and asthma.

Finnish sauna 

The sauna is a room made of pinewood free from resin heated by making volcanic rocks red-hot up to 80-110 °C. Not recommended for heart disease patients. Do not stay in the sauna longer than 10-15 minutes; repeat it 3-4 times. Drastic change in heat exploits the organism; therefore, it is not recommended to take a sauna on more than 2-3 occasions a week.

Bio sauna 

The 40-50 °C temperature creates a pleasant climate that does not burden the body; humidity in the air is 40-60%. The varying play of colour helps to relax, revitalise.

Steam bath 

Its temperature is 35-40 °C; the humidity in the air is 100 percent. It perfectly relaxes the body, turns the skin rosy, cleans the respiratory tract. Do not stay in the sauna longer than 10-15 minutes and after it relax 30 minutes.

Infra sauna 

The temperature in the cabin is only 35-45 °C, and the humidity and steam level is low, so the body is not under any burden. Thanks to the infra ray and its healing effect the time spent in the infra sauna cabin can be twice as effective than in the regular sauna.


In the fitness section of the Rubin Wellness and Sport Centre the Nautilus fitness and Technogym cardio machines are the most famous in the fitness industry.


Massages for 25-55-85 minutes. Advance reservation is required +36 1 505 3670

MassagesDuration1 occasion
Regenerating, muscle relaxing partial massage 25 minutes 9 900 HUF
Regenerating, muscle relaxing partial massage 55 minutes 16 900 HUF
Full body massage
(refreshing, regenerating)
55 minutes 15 900 HUF
Full body massage
(refreshing, regenerating)
85 minutes 19 900 HUF
Essential oil aroma massage 55 minutes 16 900 HUF
Essential oil aroma massage 85 minutes 20 900 HUF
Back and lower limb (foot) massage 55 minutes 15 900 HUF

Honey massage 

55 minutes 19 500 HUF
Chocolate massage (full body) 75 minutes 20 900 HUF
Head & Face massage (with essential oils or dry) 25 minutes

9 900 HUF

Cupping (application of cupping on the selected body surface, stirring up the connective tissue, cupping massage)
heated lava stone, full body)

25 minutes
40 minutes

8 900 HUF
12 900 HUF

Deep tissue massage

55 min

17 900 HUF


1 squash courts await for the guests.

Advance course booking is required:
Phone: +36 30 585 7814
Please indicate if you would like to rent a squash racket!


The ticket and pass for the Aquafitness class is valid for half an hour before the start and for half an hour after the end of the class. If you would like to use the services of the Rubin Wellness and Sports Center for a longer period before or after the class, please purchasing an additional ticket at the reception.

  • Monday: 08.00-09.00, 12.00-13.00 and 17.30-18.30
  • Tuesday: 18.00-19.00
  • Wednesday: 08.00-09.00, 12.00-13.00 and 15.00-16.00
  • Thursday: 17.30-18.30
  • Friday: 08.00-09.00, 12.00-13.00
  • Saturday: 09.30-10.30


Our standing- tanning beds await guests with EU standard lamps. On 1 minute base every guest can set the tanning time according to their personal needs.
1 minute / 200 HUF


Zsuzsanna Benné Tóth +36 / 30 866 23 39

previous booking is required

Baby swimming

For more information please visit: www.babauszas.hu
Phone: +36 20 518 5204


Ask for bowling offer 

  • Course: